The Azure Pricing calculator is a tool used to estimate what costs you can expect to incur when utilizing Azure services. In this series of articles I will walk through the different options available. This one focuses on the VM compute resources for Reserved Instances in Azure.
Part II - Reserved Instances
How to find Reserved Instance pricing information for Virtual Machines with the Azure Pricing Calc?
Azure has various methods of paying for Virtual Machine resources (Compute). The two main ones are Pay-as-you-Go (sometimes shortened to PAYG) or there are Reserved Instances.
- Compute - PAYG - Paid monthly based on consumption
- Compute - Reserved Instances - Paid monthly, upfront based on 1-year or 3-year commitment periods.
For Reserved Instances (RI/ RI’s) there are considerable cost saving options available. With an RI you have the option to pay upfront or monthly for two periods of time; 1-year or 3-years. Each gives you considerable cost savings between 40% and 60% off the MSRP monthly compute Pay-as-you-go option. In this short tutorial I walk through where to find this after selecting your Virtual Machine in the Azure Pricing Calculator.